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Why Your Dev Wants To Live In a Cave

Software Developer Productivity Killer #2: Open Plan Offices

Ah, the modern open-plan office: a utopia of collaboration, communication, and… countless distractions? If you found yourself nodding (or even chuckling) at our series’ opener on the ever-ubiquitous ‘useless meetings’, strap in! We’re about to tackle another biggie on the list. Say hello to productivity killer #2: Open Plan Offices.

But before we set off on this whimsical journey, if you missed the maiden voyage into the land of ‘why-so-many-meetings’, you can catch up right here. But for now, back to Bob and his dream of becoming a modern-day caveman.

👹 Why Open-Plan is the Freddy Krueger of Productivity Dreams

  1. The Illusion of Togetherness: Open plans were designed to foster collaboration. Yet, they often become a cacophony of ringtones, chatter, chewing sounds, and the unmistakable sound of Bob’s bad ass mechanical keyboard fury. Yes, you’re together, but is any real work happening?
  2. Focus? What Focus? Bob was in The Zone. Remember that? But wait, Jane just remembered a hilarious cat video she simply MUST share with everyone. And there it goes – Bob’s concentration, like a fragile soap bubble, bursts.
  3. The Inadvertent Eavesdropper: Developers, often in their quest for a bug, mutter incantations. In an open plan, Bob isn’t just coding. He’s also inadvertently tuned into three different project updates, a recipe exchange, and someone’s weekend plans.
  4. The Quick Question Conundrum: It’s tempting, oh-so-tempting, to swivel your chair and ask Bob a quick question. Yes, you might get your answer in 30 seconds, saving you a 15-minute search. But here’s the rub: you’ve just dragged Bob out of his flow state. While you saved 15 minutes, it’s costing him 15-30 minutes to get back into the groove. Do the math, and the net productivity just took a nosedive.

🤫 Defeating The Open-Plan Demon

  1. Introduce Quiet Zones: Dedicate spaces where silence is golden. Think of it as a library: a sanctuary where devs like Bob can code in peace, without fearing the next viral video ambush. This should be the developers’ main working area, not some prison cell down the hall without all of their monitors and such.
  2. Partition Magic: No, not a throwback to 90s software – actual physical partitions. Use bookshelves, plants, or even trendy modular walls. Anything that gives Bob his own mini-cave.
  3. Headphones: The Universal ‘Do Not Disturb’ Sign: Encourage a culture where wearing headphones signifies, “I’m deep diving, disturb at your own peril.” And respect it.
  4. Flexible Working Arrangements: Some people thrive in open plans; some, like Bob, contemplate desert islands. Allow for remote working days or flexible hours to cater to all productivity rhythms. Let’s be honest: after the pandemic, this is likely the new norm anyway. (And for exactly these reasons.)
  5. Private Offices and Real Cubicles: The Shields of Solitude: Let’s face it, those half-height cubicles aren’t fooling anyone. They’re like wearing a hat and thinking you’re invisible. Real, full-height cubicles or private offices offer more than just “don’t look at me” privacy. They safeguard devs from the myriad of visual distractions – be it the tantalizing glint of a passing donut or colleagues unleashing their inner mime artists. Visual serenity can be just as crucial as silence for deep focus.

🎁 Wrapping It Up

Open-plan offices aren’t inherently evil. Like a mischievous pixie, they can be tamed with a bit of thoughtful strategy. Respect individual work rhythms, and always be on the lookout for signs of a distressed Bob.

✋ Missed the first productivity killer? The siren song of ‘useless meetings’ awaits you here. And stay tuned because productivity killer #3 is lurking just around the corner.

Could've been an email

Why Your Dev Just Bought a Magic 8-Ball

This is the first post in a series on software developer productivity DOs and DON’Ts. Check back often for upcoming posts…

Software Developer Productivity Killer #1: Useless Meetings

Picture this: your software developer, let’s call him Bob, is at the peak of his creative genius. He’s coding at the speed of light, the characters dancing on his screen in a coordinated ballet. Just then, the dreaded ping – yet another meeting request. Bob’s heart sinks, his momentum wanes, and he wonders if he should swap his laptop for a typewriter to dodge digital meeting invites.

Alright, now before you brandish pitchforks my way, let me clarify – not all meetings are evil. Some can be life-affirming soul-searching odysseys. But many, oh-so-many, are like that extra sprig of parsley on your dish. Looks nice, but no one knows why it’s there.

😱 Why Developers Loathe The Meeting Monster

  1. The Zone Disturbance: Every time a developer is yanked out of “The Zone”, it takes a good 15-30 minutes to get back into it. The Zone is that magical realm where developers wield their wizardry. You know what doesn’t exist in The Zone? Meetings about whether to use Oxford commas in comments.
  2. The Mismatch of Tongues: Developers speak in code; managers often in spreadsheets. It’s like expecting a cat and a goldfish to discuss the merits of wet vs. dry food. Spoiler: the goldfish doesn’t care as long as it’s wet.
  3. The “This Could Have Been An Email” Syndrome: 85% of what’s discussed in meetings (okay, maybe a cheeky estimate) could have been summed up in a well-crafted email. And the other 15%? Probably could have been a Slack message.

⚔️ How To Slay The Useless Meeting Dragon

  1. Agenda is a Must: If you can’t write down what the meeting is about, chances are it doesn’t need to happen. An agenda makes the difference between a focused huddle and an aimless gossip fest. Some even go farther – consider adopting the ‘Amazon 6-Pager’ method where dense topics are distilled into a concise 6-page narrative; it encourages clarity and deep thinking…and provides a higher bar to requiring a meeting.
  2. Time is Money; Cap It: Unless you’re solving the mysteries of the universe, most meetings shouldn’t exceed 30 minutes. Set a timer if you must! And if anyone starts with, “This might be off-topic, but…” – it’s a trap!
  3. Ask “Who Really Needs to be Here?” If Bob’s expertise is in back-end development, he probably doesn’t need to opine on logo colors. Send Bob back to his magical coding realm. He’ll thank you. So would your CFO if he could calculate the ROI of the salaries in the room vs the outcomes of the meeting.
  4. Post-Meeting Homework: Summarize. Distribute. Action. If there are no clear next steps after a meeting, then what was it all for?

💡 Conclusion

Meetings aren’t the enemy. It’s aimless, purposeless, could’ve-been-an-email meetings that developers detest. Think before you ping. Remember, every time you pull a developer into a needless meeting, somewhere in the world, a Magic 8-Ball gets a question like, “Should I attend this meeting?” And the answer is, more often than not, “Outlook not so good.”

Next time you’re tempted to drag your tech team into a meeting, ask yourself: “Do I really want to be the parsley on Bob’s plate?” If the answer is no, rethink that invite.

Now, if you’re struggling to optimize team productivity and communication, remember there are experts (like yours truly) who can help. Because, let’s face it – you could do it, but why would you when there’s a cheeky genius available for hire? 😉