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Top 10 Software Developer Productivity Killers

DALL·E 2023 08 28 10.38.34 matt groening style cartoon drawing of the side view a cheetah sitting at a desk writing software with a giant thick iron chain holding him back digi

Top 10 Software Developer Productivity Killers

If you’ve recently found yourself trapped in a catacomb of chaotic code or entangled in a web of woefully unclear requirements, fret not! Bob’s journey through the perilous pitfalls of developer productivity is the adventure you’ve missed. Over the past two weeks, we’ve run a daily series of blog posts about the most prevalent software developer productivity killers we, at Facet Digital, often see in the engineering teams we are hired to assess. Some of these have do to with the technical team and their decisions, and some of them have to do with the business support around them.

Here’s a quick recap:

01Useless MeetingsBreaking up the Maker’s focus time
02Open-Plan OfficesNoise and visual distraction disrupt concentration
03Technical DebtShort cuts now make innovation take longer later
04Dead CodeHours wasted maintaining or searching through garbage
05Too Many Status ReportsTalking more about work than doing the work
06Unclear RequirementsSpending too much time guessing at the wrong intent
07Poor Branching StrategyWorking in too large of chunks and not getting feedback quickly
08Unrealistic / Arbitrary DeadlinesDemoralizing and stifling creativity
09MicromanagementNot letting the brains you hired use their brains to the fullest
10Poor DocumentationMaking the next dev guess and explore without a map

Familiar foes? If these productivity antagonists have been causing chaos in your dev-life, contact us for some superhero assistance.

🙋‍♀️ Encountered another productivity villain we missed? Share in the comments which dastardly devils resonate with you and any others lurking in the shadows!

Scott W. Bradley


Scott has 25+ years of experience in software engineering, architecture, and leadership. Scott is a consummate computer scientist and serial entrepreneur that brings a unique breadth and depth of skill to any software architecture and development project. Contact Scott.

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