The Micromanagement Menace | Facet Digital
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The Micromanagement Menace

The Micromanagement Menace

Software Developer Productivity Killer #9: Being Micromanaged

Oh, Bob. We’ve seen him weather the storm of unclear requirements, battle the beasts of artificial deadlines, and navigate the treacherous paths of poor branching strategies. But, as he sits at his desk, diligently tapping away at his code, he feels a shadow looming over him. It’s not a faulty server or a nasty bug; it’s something far more foreboding: the ever-watchful eyes of a micromanager.

🔬 Micromanagement: A Creator’s Kryptonite

Software development isn’t just a profession; it’s an art. Coders, like artists, need space to think, to test, to experiment, to create. Imagine for a moment, a world where Shakespeare was questioned at every sonnet line or where Da Vinci was advised on every brushstroke. Absurd, right? Then why do it to developers?

  1. The Trust Deficit: Micromanaging sends a clear message: “I don’t trust you.” If a developer feels distrusted, their motivation tanks faster than a lead balloon. They are professionals, having trained and practiced their craft. They deserve autonomy and trust.
  2. Turned-off Thinking Tanks: By giving developers overly specific instructions, you inadvertently switch off their innovative minds. The end result? Instead of a creatively crafted solution, you get a mundane, to-the-point output, devoid of innovation or flair. And if a single piece of your ultra-specific instructions fails? The domino effect kicks in, leading to bugs, skipped functionalities, and costly reworks.
  3. The Creativity Killer: Micromanagement suffocates the very essence of software development – creativity. Let’s not forget, you hired Bob for his ingenious coding skills, not to be a mere executor of over-detailed directions.

🤔 Are You a Micromanager? Signs You Might Be

  • You often think, “It’ll be faster if I just do it myself.”
  • You want to review and approve every minor decision or change.
  • You spend more time overseeing your developers than strategizing or planning.
  • You demand constant updates and have an insatiable thirst for progress reports.
  • You provide overly detailed instructions, often explaining how to do something instead of what needs to be done.

If you’re nodding along to more than a couple of these, it might be time to take a step back. Remember, you hired experts. Trust them to be just that. Remember, Bob thrives when he’s trusted and valued. As a leader, it’s crucial to provide direction, not domination. Embrace the brilliance of your team, and watch them turn your visions into virtual victories.

So, you still don’t get the results you desire without micromanaging? Perhaps it’s not about supervising more closely but improving the dynamics. Either you need to refine your team’s skills or you need to better define your directions and grant them more autonomy.

Need assistance on either front? Whether it’s bringing adept developers to bear or establishing effective communication strategies within your team, Facet Digital can guide the way. Reach out, and let’s keep those developer engines running without any unnecessary hiccups.

Scott W. Bradley

Scott has 25+ years of experience in software engineering, architecture, and leadership. Scott is a consummate computer scientist and serial entrepreneur that brings a unique breadth and depth of skill to any software architecture and development project. Contact Scott.