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Technical Debt: When Ignorance Isn’t Bliss


Technical Debt: When Ignorance Isn’t Bliss

Software Developer Productivity Killer #3: Tech Debt

Ahoy, dear reader! We’ve spoken about ‘useless meetings‘ and the perils of the ‘open-plan office‘. Today, we embark on a voyage beneath the surface to unveil a silent killer, lurking in the deep, dark abyss of codebases everywhere – Technical Debt.

For the uninitiated, technical debt might sound like the overdraft fees on a credit card statement, but trust us, the costs can be even more perilous if not managed. But fret not! We’re here to unveil the mysteries of this productivity assassin and guide you to safer shores.

🌊 Understanding The Iceberg That’s Technical Debt

  1. The Tip of the Iceberg: On the surface, everything seems fine. Your software is running. New features get deployed. But underneath lies layers of rushed code, shortcuts, and bandaids that, much like the bulk of an iceberg, remain invisible to the untrained eye.
  2. The Silent Accumulator: Technical debt accrues silently. It’s the byproduct of fast decisions, expedited features, and temporary fixes. While a quick workaround might speed things up today, it will slow everything down tomorrow.
  3. Feature Slowdown: Ever wondered why the latest ‘simple feature’ took thrice as long as you hoped? Beneath the water, your dev team might be battling tentacles of ancient code and patchwork solutions. The deeper they swim, the harder it gets.

📉 The Business Cost of Ignoring Technical Debt

  1. Lost Time and Money: The longer technical debt remains, the more expensive (in both time and resources) it becomes to address. Your devs aren’t magicians; they’re navigators trying to avoid crashing into that looming iceberg. Code reviews take longer, more bugs appear and are harder to fix the right way, and overall code quality suffers.
  2. Reduced Morale: A team constantly battling the deep-sea monsters of messy code can quickly lose enthusiasm. And a demotivated team isn’t a productive one.
  3. Innovation Stagnation: With so much energy going into managing existing chaos, there’s little left for innovation and growth. Do you really want to be stuck sailing in circles?

🚢 Navigating Away from The Iceberg

  1. Post-Mortem’s Critical Role: Taking shortcuts during an emergency or to expedite a release can be an acceptable strategy. But it’s like borrowing against tomorrow – you must repay it, preferably sooner rather than later. After such incidents or rapid releases, conduct a post-mortem. Assess and catalog the quick fixes and patches applied. This isn’t about finger-pointing but about understanding the new debt that’s been taken on. Prioritize paying down the heaviest debt even before diving back into your feature roadmap. The short-term gain is only beneficial if you’re strategic about the long-term repercussions.
  2. Track Technical Debt: Just as businesses track financial obligations, technical debt should be recorded and monitored. Consider tools or platforms designed for this. If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it.
  3. Allocate Regular Paydown Time: Embrace that a portion of your dev team’s time needs to be dedicated to addressing and reducing technical debt. Think of it as regular maintenance on a ship to ensure smooth sailing.
  4. Educate and Involve Everyone: Tech debt isn’t just a ‘dev issue’. Business stakeholders should be educated on its implications. When everyone’s on board (pun intended), it’s easier to navigate treacherous waters.

💡 In Conclusion

Technical debt, if left unchecked, becomes that giant iceberg threatening to sink your ship. But with intentionality, regular check-ins, and an understanding that it’s as real as any financial debt, you can sail through smoother waters. After all, in business, as in sailing, forewarned is forearmed.

And if you’re already feeling a bit seasick from tech debt, consider chatting with an expert (hint: us) to help navigate. Why DIY when you have a seasoned captain just a call away?

✋ Keen on avoiding more developer productivity pitfalls? Dive into our discussions on ‘useless meetings’ and the ‘open-plan office’. Stay tuned; we have more voyages planned in this series to guide you through the turbulent seas of productivity.

Scott W. Bradley


Scott has 25+ years of experience in software engineering, architecture, and leadership. Scott is a consummate computer scientist and serial entrepreneur that brings a unique breadth and depth of skill to any software architecture and development project. Contact Scott.

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